
4th ReWorDS (Reproducible Workflows, Data Management, and Security)

This workshop seeks to explore ideas and experiences on what kinds of infrastructure developments can improve upon the state of the art. Explorations of component packaging via containers and virtual machines, automation scripting, deployment, portability builds, and system support for these and other relevant activities are key infrastructure. Provenance collection, exploration, and tracking are key for a well-documented scientific output. Using existing systems to achieve these goals via experiences is important for developing best practices that span application domains. Data privacy techniques such as multi-party encryption and differential privacy are important as well. Issues with managing large data sets and workflow intermediate data, particularly those intended to manage publicly accessed data for use and reuse are encouraged. New techniques and technologies that address reproducibility requirements are also requested. We seek work on all of these, and related, topics as well as position and experience papers looking to drive the conversation for practitioners and researchers in these spaces.

This workshop contributes by sharing experiences and exploring the various technological infrastructure needs to support effective, convenient workflow systems and application composition structures and approaches across a broad spectrum of HPC environments from clusters to supercomputers to cloud systems.

5th Global Research Platform Workshop

The 5GRP workshop is organized by the Global Research Platform community and co-located with eScience. This workshop focuses on recent and emerging advances in networking architectures, services, technologies, and infrastructures, and how these innovations can directly support global science research and applications. 5GRP is an open event and eScience registrants are welcome to attend.

Expanding Horizons of Data Science: Activities of the data science group of HeKKSaGOn German-Japanese university alliance and beyond

HeKKSaGOn stands for German-Japanese University Alliance whose member universities are Heidelberg (H), Kyoto (K), Karlsruhe (K), Tohoku (in Sendai) (S), Göttingen (G), and Osaka(O). It has ten working groups to which the data science group belongs. Activity of the data science group is focused on data science and related areas including AI, HPC, Data Management, Robotics, etc. In this workshop, the current status of ongoing data science research activities are expected to be presented by active researchers from the HeKKSaGOn member universities as well as the other related research communities.

INSTIL - cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions

This workshop invites researchers who have or are interested to invested significant efforts in the design and development of ICT-based tools, software, serious games, eScience applications, and solutions to engage the general public in science. The general goal of the workshop is to act as a community venue to convey multidisciplinary experiences in exploring ICT solutions to raise awareness, engage and empower citizens and stakeholders in science with concrete eScience tools. The workshop will be primarily focusing on the domains of climate, climate change, and environmental related topics, but experiences from other domains are welcome as well.

Impact from eScience

eScience has had a major impact on research in science, engineering, healthcare and (increasingly) the humanities. However, there is enormous potential to use the skills, expertise, and tools of eScience researchers to also have a major impact on the economy and society.For example, all organisations are drowning in data, but most lack the skills to extract value from it to gain insights into their work, to improve productivity and to create new profitable data-driven products and services. In contrast, eScience researchers have highly relevant experience in solving real-world problems by unlocking the value held in dataThe aim of the workshop will be to increase the impact from eScience by sharing experiences of specific impact case studies, and of programs that have been designed to increase impact outside of academia. The workshop is timely, and research funders world-wide are increasing the emphasis on the need to show impact outside of research and academia.

NRDPISI-1: Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments

There are at least three important topics that our community is striving to answer: (1) how to design efficient data acquisition and reduction pipelines that support near-instrument preprocessing while maintaining the important features for scientific pursuit; (2) how to achieve extreme-scale data curation and sharing that leverages the advanced HPC infrastructure; (3) how to accommodate near real-time data analytics at extreme-scale with streaming or urgency requirements for time-sensitive decision making. Tackling these challenges requires expertise from computer science, mathematics, and application domains to study the problem holistically and develop solutions.

This international workshop targets HPC applications, researchers, and domain experts with big data problems and looking for new data management and analytical workflows for their applications. The outcome of this workshop will foster the implementation of near real-time data processing workflows by accelerating all stages of the scientific research lifecycle, including large-scale data acquisition, data curation, analytics, and sharing.

Sustainable Project Pathways for HPC Software and Applications

The workshop will facilitate a deep dive into the sustainability of HPC software, exploring how sustainability can be quantified and improved in the context of supercomputing. This involves examining factors such as community health, software engineering practices tailored to HPC, and the funding landscape for HPC projects. By taking a holistic, cultural approach to this dimension, we aim to elucidate the sustainability needs of software and applications, leading to more comprehensive strategies for fostering resilient, efficient, and future-proof software ecosystems.

Workshop on Generative AI and FAIR Principles in Science Communication

We will critically examine how AI can advance FAIR principles in scientific domains, technology, computations, and data. Our goal is to cultivate a deep understanding of the advantages and challenges of LLM technologies, thereby aiding in creating robust frameworks and practices that promote the positive impact of generative AI in enhancing science communication and research innovation. This initiative is congruent with the overarching aim of amplifying public engagement with science, highlighting ethical and equitable imperatives in applying AI technologies within the scientific ambit.